Chatrt Video Chat

Site Like Chatroulette and Omegle but Better!

ChatRT is like Chatroulette and Omegle where you can video chat with random strangers from all around the world, except it's better! ChatRT lets you quickly find girls or guys for free video chat without having to click on the Chat Roulette style Next button hundreds of times. Watch up to 16 webcams at once, invite people you like for a cam2cam chat, get rated by other users, send instant messages, and much much more!

ChatRT Site Rules:

  1. You must be 18 years or older to enter and use this website.
  2. Do not play recorded videos on your webcam.
  3. Do not be obscene, rude or do anything illegal.
  4. Do not request or share personal information or spam the chatroom.
  5. Do not enter the chatroom as a female, TS, couple or group if you are a male.

Site Like Chatroulette

Our website is providing the best site like Chatroulette opportunity for its users. You can meet people from different countries here. You can next to your partners and meet new strangers on our website. ChatRT is a free service. You can use your camera, microphone, or keyboard devices to chat with people. You can enter the website as a spectator and you can see the service quality. Registration is not paid at all. You will able to register on our website for free. You will not need to pay for the services you won't need to use as same as Omegle.

You will find many good features that are similar to Chatroulette on our website. You can use those services to meet random people. You can check the gender of your partner before you chatting them. So you will know that if someone is male, female, or couple before you start to chat with them.

Site Like Omegle

Omegle is one of the largest communities on the internet. If you are looking for a site like Omegle, this website is going to be the best option for you. You can enter our chat rooms and you can next people as you wish. You can talk to strangers that you like and create new friendships. Unlike Omegle, you are going to see the gender of your partner on our website and this is an awesome opportunity for those who want to chat with girls or guys only. You will also find couples in our website. You can talk to them for free! If you would like to broadcast yourself, you can do it. You can talk to multiple people at the same time. Besides video chat is available for multi-chat service in ChatRT.

We recommend our service to you if you are looking for a site like Chatroulette or Omegle. Because we are better than those random video chat services!